/Gensler× IDD : 对话巨匠,走进全球最大建筑事务所

Gensler× IDD : 对话巨匠,走进全球最大建筑事务所

特别鸣谢 | 首席领先伙伴

RARA 系统定制家居





IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

IDD世界领先设计对话 · 宣传片




Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading




对话巨匠追随领先 | Gensler

美国 | the USA

Gensler创立于1965年美国,是一家业务覆盖全球的建筑、设计及规划公司,拥有来自全球5,500多名专业人员组成的团队,在亚洲、欧洲、澳大利亚、中东、美洲等地共设52家分公司,为全球各行各业的客户提供建筑设计咨询服务。Gensler设计服务范围涵盖29 个领域,包括城市规划、高层建筑、综合体、办公空间、零售、酒店、机场、体育设施、文化设施、教育设施和数字体验设计。目前,Gensler大中华区(上海、北京、香港办事处)拥有近450多名设计师与行政员工。    
Gensler is a global architecture, design, and planning firm with 52 locations across Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, and the Americas. Founded in 1965, the firm serves more than 3,500 active clients in virtually every industry. Guided by determined optimism, we believe the power of design can spark positive change and create a future that promotes equity, resilience, and wellbeing for everyone.          



– IDD对话巨匠系列专访 –    

对话 Gensler上海办公室联席执行总监 Todd E. Pilgreen    
Gensler上海办公室 设计总监 梁颖欣 Corina Leung    
Gensler上海办公室 资深设计师 邓伟光 Danny Tang    

广州设计周 x RARA x OBJEKT境界杂志 联袂巨献    



 Todd E. Pilgreen          

Gensler 上海执行总监

作为Gensler上海办公室的联席执行总监,Todd领导多元化的设计专业团队,致力于推动我们在中国的设计实践。他擅长激发员工的企业家精神和创造性思维,与他的团队和客户建立信任关系。Todd拥有近三十年的专业经验,领导诸多项目在中国以及国际市场的设计和执行,其中不乏屡获殊的综合体及娱乐开发项目。加入Gensler后,Todd主持了复星太仓复游城项目。他对促进大中华区的综合体和零售中心实践起到了重要作用。他是加利福尼亚州的注册建筑师,美国建筑师协会上海分会执行委员会委员,美国城市土地研究所顾问委员会和LEED AP BD + C(环境领先认证会员)。

 Corina Leung 梁颖欣             

Gensler 上海设计总监

梁颖欣毕业于澳洲新南威尔大学室内建筑学专业,毕业后于澳洲悉尼开始执业,后转战上海 ,香港及新加坡继续发展事业。在从业17 年间获得国际室内设计协会(IIDA)专业会员及美国绿色建筑协会专业认证。


 Danny Tang 鄧偉光          

Gensler 资深设计师

邓伟光出生於香港,在香港、东京和悉尼接受教育。通过参与世界各地顶尖项目的经验,包括超复杂造型和屡获殊荣的建筑和规划项目,从商业综合体到交通枢纽和医疗设施, 他在设计和交付的多个方面拥有丰富的经验和独特的看法。他不断开发新的尖端设计方法,将设计工作与客户和社区的未来需求联繫起来的。不断平衡和测试现实世界参数来设计和创新想法。邓伟光相信综合发展始终是重点,使我们能够根据对环境问题、社会经济分析和社区福祉的影响来理解、衡量和设计商业產品和空间设计。邓伟光常被邀请担任中国的各种参数工作坊的评委及导师。他的作品在英国,日本和中国发布。


Longgang Universiade Mixed-use TOD, Shenzhen 





Being the leader of a design firm with 260+ people, coordinating offices across different time zones for the projects, what is your typical working day like? What is your ritual?     




My day is very diverse. I make sure that when coming in we are connecting with our people. We are people first organization, so I spend a large amount of my time really connecting with our people. Obviously, there’s clientele that we need to look for and there’s clientele we need to manage and maintain. After a few meetings, my routine is to carve out contemplative time or downtime for myself. Those moments are very important so I can actually sit and think strategically. You know we’re extremely busy and there are meeting across 3 different times zones. During the day, I will just begin to think quietly about what’s going to be the next, that helps us stay focused. But you know with 260 people in this office and our plan is to grow. Everybody here needs to be comfortable and confident that the leadership has the eye on the bigger picture so that’s what we tend to do and that’s how I structure. Also you never really “leave” work. It stays with me.          



Haizhu Innovation Bay Lijiao Core Area Urban Design 





How do you see the development of commercial complexes in China now and in the coming 3-5 years in China?    




Well, I think first of all we have to understand that this economy. It is s a big consumer economy. We do feel that things are getting a little bit tighter. People are having a little bit closer attention to their money that they have and what they spend. The changes and evolutions in consumer and spending guides our design. So our retail centers designed are focused to have immersive environments, especially now with digital technology. We have to stay relevant, so our retail center design team is doing nothing but testing innovation. Because we look at our projects as incubators. We think of it as holistic. So our kind of innovative approach right now is really to craft interior type of space or spaces in between that bring a certain experience . That’s an instagrammable moment, something that can be shared or influencers are coming for it. This is a whole new generation (of consumer and design).        



How do you serve your client well?What is the “secret source”?    


一部分成功的秘诀来自于我们认为重中之重是客户关系。从创始人 Art Gensler创立公司第一天起,他的重点是客户以及了解客户的需要是什么。这意味着我们需要花费大量的时间来了解我们的客户,并专注于我们想要合作的战略客户及维护我们的老客户。你知道他们来我们这里是有原因的,我们需要确保我们了解这个原因并反馈给他们。他们可以信任Gensler作为战略合作伙伴。当然,在某种程度上,也要确保我们经济上的可持续性,这非常重要。

Part of the secret sauce, if you will, is that at Gensler we’ve had primarily focused around our client relationships. That’s what Art Gensler was like from the very first day. His focus was about the client and the need to understand what the client is looking for. That means we take extreme amounts of time to understand our clients and focus on strategic clientele clients that we want to work with . We focus on maintaining our existing clients, which means you know they come to us for a reason and we need to make sure that we’re giving back. So there’s something that they can rely on Gensler as a strategic partner. We’re in this for business at a certain point, but we’re also in this to make sure that we have economic sustainability, which is very important.         


So clients have a set of problems and you’re the creatives, that’s the reason they come to you. And the moment that you’re on point with your client’s commercial goals is the moment that you have trust.         



That’s what differentiates us from some of the other boutique design firms is that we collaborate with our clients. We collaborate on design ideas, we collaborate internally. We also opened the project design to to integrated design studios and design leaders and we all talk about the ideas together and the clients involved in that too. So the successful projects that we have are built around successful client relationships and we spend a huge amount of our time and a lot of my time is also dedicated to nurturing clientele. We don’t go to them because there’s a project we go to them to say we can do something with you and we can be there in the early stages to help you define your business model, to help you research a specific site or city, to help you talk to a government official or a planning group. We are there in any capacity to help you be successful. Our clients really appreciate this mindset of ours.        




You know we put people at the heart of every project. 以客户为中心,这也就是我的风格。会有一些客户希望我们多考虑他们的需求,或者是消费者的需求等等。为什么每个项目我都会有不一样的切入点呢,就是因为我们都是客户为中心的一个设计。



Foliday Town Taicang 



Data shows that 260 million Generation-Z in China is the major consuming power for the upcoming 10 years, what is your understanding of that? What is good design for Generation-Z?    



I believe they’re smarter. they were digitally native, it’s unbelievable,they’re born with it,so we have to stay relevant. It’s unbelievable how fast that changes,so our retail center design team is doing nothing but testing innovation, so our kind of innovative approach right now is really to craft interior types of space or spaces in between that bring a certain experience and something that’s an instagramable moment, something that is sharing or being influenced or influencers are coming. This is a whole new generation.        


他们不再轻信广告推送给他们的信息,而是更愿意相信自己对这个品牌的理解,可能更愿意相信的是一直跟随 KOL 博主。因为他们会先认同博主的价值观和真实的体验,和他一整个lifestyle,即生活方式及品质的认同,从衣食住行,到用什么样的手机,开什么样的车,是一套的价值观的系统性的东西,所以未来的商业必须要理解这个事情。



他们也是当下我们中国消费市场的主力军,他们因为是出生在一个数码的年代。所以他们特别对于线上的一些社会平台都会关注度非常的高,所以Gen-Z是作为我们设计师希望可以深入了解的购物群体。我们其实也从Gen-Z的同事身上学到不少,比如说现在社交的一些词汇,“yyds, 绝绝子,剧本杀”等,这些都是我来到大陆这边学习到的,很多Gen-Z都会先做做功课,做攻略从而了解这个产品的一个人气度啊等等,才去实体店去是进行消费的打卡。我们在为这些Gen-Z年轻的消费者在做一些特色的设计的时候我们首先针对的是要多重体验,还有沉浸式的这种购物环境。所以在很多的就是不同的一些购物空间,我们也会希望可以做一些亮点。




我们的政府和年轻人(Z世代)都非常重视可持续发展和”碳中和“等环保问题,对此 Gensler 有哪些在研发和项目设计层面有哪些好的计划,技术和举措呢?

It just happens so that our government as well as Generation-Z both care very much about sustainability and carbon neutralization issues . How do you tackle this pressing issue on research and design project level?    



We’ve made commitments to carbon neutralization with our projects by 2030. So that means every project that we design needs to have a focus on a carbon footprint and the reduction of the carbon from the very beginning from. If you look at the schedule, we’re kind of behind. So we need to make sure that there’s going to be an impact and our firm’s leadership is committed to that.           


Not only in the aspect of communicating these kinds of needs, goals and ideas to our cities, our governments and planning groups who are there to help to facilitate, we are also a responsible design firm and when we build a project there are massive energy hogs, we have a responsibility to minimize our impact to the environment. That is why we’ve got very rigorous design models as we start a project we focus on a sustainability objective right in the beginning. Every project that we do and each project is different, we have now identified a materials goal that we make sure that our materials to have a certain rating in a certain application. They have become more environmentally friendly, right. It’s a It’s a huge thing for us at this point.          



Lujiazhui Qiantan Rongyao Plaza,Shanghai 





What is leadership to you as the leader of the firm, a leading firm in the design field?    




That means we have to stay five steps ahead of them.That’s why it’s so important that we have communications between all of our axis as a company as a firm, we call it a one FIRM firm.        



Leadership is to me, it’s really about co-elevating the people that you work with.By doing that there’s a huge difference, between being a leader and being a boss, you gain the respect, you gain the trust. What’s called a co-leadership process starts at the top of our company, that starts with our Co-CEOs and the way that Andy and Diane have actually set up a co-leadership. We have the same thing here. We do it from office leadership you know. My partner Jennifer and I lead this office together . We have studios, individual studios that have co-studio directors. We’re a firm believer that through this diversity of leadership as the leading design firm, the largest privately held design firm and that has been by design.It really is a natural way of leading and our company’s vision is really about the growth of its people. Matter of fact, one of our very strong guiding principles is people first.You know business is becoming more innovative, more creative. We’re seeking diversity in the way that our people are working. Technology is driving these things, so you cannot be a single dimensional kind of boss. You have to be a leader that has a little bit of empathy built in.         




Gensler 这个平台有一个非常好的地方,我们的 knowledge (知识)和我们的其他组的项目知识都是很开放的。你可以学到其他组这个项目成功的地方。知识和信息在上下级和平行组之间是高度共享的。另外,通过Gensler的平台能借助到各种 consultant (顾问)的服务。各种顾问包括交通的顾问,商业顾问团队有宝贵的数据的分析,因为是长期的、系统的合作,可以一起面对甲方,所以我们会比其他小一点的设计公司拿到更多的数据和支持。所以我们的创意更多的不仅是在空间上的创意。而且是基于商业逻辑上的创意。商业逻辑上的创意在根本上改变消费的一个习惯。才可以引发空间的改变,有了这块所有设计才会成功。





What kind of advice would you give to younger generation designers?    



The only thing that I can say that I tell every one of the people that are coming in is that you either love architecture or you don’t. This is something that takes your energy, it takes your thought, it takes your dedication to craft something that is going to take years to build, going to be here for years and years and years.        

这点非常的“Gensler”,(创始人)Art Gensler 曾说过,”吸收最棒的人才,然后给他们的才华让路。“这点我特别有共鸣。我深信吸收到对的人才,给他们的才华让路,让他们去发挥,事情会越来越好,所以此为事业,坚持到那个节点,可以做出你最满意的设计,因为直到坚持到那个节点你才是真的准备好了。

I’m a big believer in, it’s very Gensler, Art gensler said, “You hire the best people and you get out of their way”. It also resonates with me and I’m a firm believer that when you hire the right people and you step aside to make room. Let them do what they’re gonna do, it’s only gonna get better.        


So, pay your dues, get ready for a long long long struggle with this career and then get to that point where you can do your best work, because at a certain point you’re ready.Timing and readiness are the key. And it’s my job to watch that timing and readiness thing if they need a little bit more guidance or a little bit more oversight, I just need to keep making sure that the projects keep coming in.        


Shenzhen Bay Headquarter for China Electronic Corporation 

· END ·    



