Real de la Almadraba 建于 1929 年,在 Huelva 海岸致力于金枪鱼捕捞艺术四个世纪后,于 70 年代一度被遗弃,被宣布为 BIC (Bien de Interés Cultural, 2015 年列入西班牙遗产名录)。它位于 Flecha del Rompido 的自然保护区,该建筑群由三个截然不同的区域组成:一个由一系列棚屋组成的住宅区,作为Almadlaba工人居住的营地;船长之家,一座地位更高的建筑,与建筑群的其他部分有些距离;以及允许维护渔具的一组建筑物,由码头、柴油机舱、焦油冶炼锅炉、烟囱和焦油坑组成。
Located in the protected natural area of the Flecha del Rompido, the Real de la Almadraba was built in 1929 after four centuries of this technique of tuna fishing on the Huelva coast. The complex is made up of three well-differentiated areas: a residential area made up of a series of sheds set up as a camp where the Almadraba workers lived; The Captain's House, of greater standing and somewhat removed from the rest of the complex; And the group of industrial parts that allowed the maintenance of fishing gear, made up of the jetty, the diesel cabin, the tar smelting boiler and its chimney, and the tar pit. Finally, the Real de la Almadraba was abandoned in the seventies and was considered protected heritage in 2015.
干预措施作用于工业部分,并通过一条连接La Flecha两岸的新人行道完成:Piedras河口和大西洋。改造分为两个区域,码头和破败不堪的柴油舱;锅炉、烟囱、焦油坑等保存较好。码头是一座用当地石头建造的堤坝,我们可以在安达卢西亚的其他Almadrabas找到这种类型的码头,,使用的建造方法可以追溯到罗马时代。由于河口的潮汐和这个自然区域复杂的供应条件,执行条件非常困难,这导致我们用接近罗马方式的技术重建码头。从旧码头的痕迹来看,利用其遗迹作为基础,用grauwaca石头从当地建造了一个环形的混凝土墙,利用低潮的优势层层建造。这些墙用玻璃纤维而不是钢进行加固,以避免腐蚀问题,它们由上下两层楼支撑,形成一个能够吸收河流强大水平推力的沉箱。这种建筑形式还提供了一种构造质量,其中分批浇筑并随后压碎的混凝土允许天然石材出现并形成分层的,几乎是地质体积,更接近此类码头的起源并符合受保护的河边。最后,码头的上层通过手工制作的模具印在新混凝土上,形成人字形图案,接近真正的de la Almadraba人行道,用于排放熔融焦油。
The intervention acts on the industrial pieces and is completed with a new pedestrian path that joins the two banks of La Flecha: the mouth of the Piedras River and the Atlantic Ocean. The rehabilitation is divided into two areas, the ruin of the jetty and the diesel booth, and the boiler, the chimney and the tar pit, in a better state of conservation. The jetty was a floodplain piece built with local stones as a dam. We can find this type of jetty in other Almadrabas in Andalusia and it dates back to Roman construction. The very difficult conditions of execution due to the tides at the mouth of the river and the complex supply conditions of the work in this natural area, have led us to rebuild the jetty with a technique close to the Roman manner. From the trace of the old jetty, using its remains as a foundation, a perimeter wall of cyclopean concrete has been built with grauwaca stone from the place by layers that took advantage of the low tide for its implementation. These walls are reinforced with fiberglass instead of steel to avoid corrosion problems and they are braced by a lower and an upper floor for absorbing the strong horizontal thrusts of the river current. This form of construction also provides a tectonic quality where the concrete allows the native stone to emerge and forms a stratified geological volume, closer to the origin of this type of jetties and in accordance with the protected complex and the river edge. Finally, the upper floor is grooved by means of a handcrafted mold printed on the fresh concrete that generates a herringbone pattern, close to the Real de la Almadraba pavements that were dedicated to the draining of the molten tar.
On the other hand, the rehabilitation of the boiler, the chimney, the tar pit and the drain, has started from philological criteria, thanks to the fact that its state of conservation allowed us to deduce the construction techniques and the finishes that had been presented in the past. From the grooved pavement of the jetty we access the boiler, from this point it is possible to understand the entire process of protecting the fishing gear with tar. The staircase of the two ovens boiler presents a central padded section that allowed the ascent of the barrels of tar. The tar was melted and passed to the tar pit where the fishing nets were hung from a clothesline and descended towards the two pits of molten tar with a pulley. Finally, the nets went to the draining shed where they dried and the excess melted tar was recovered through the grooved floor. The restoration has been carried out with hauling ceramic pieces found on the site, thus reducing the need to supply material and guaranteeing the compatibility of its behavior. The ceramic walls are finished with lime mortars and silicate paint that will favor the transpiration and It gives the whole an appearance of white volumes that stood out in the landscape.
在Real de la Almadraba地区进行的第三次干预使 La Flecha两岸之间有了一条可通行的道路。这片受保护的自然区域具有很高的景观价值,这意味着通过一条逐渐进入灌木丛的木栈道来实现。这条走道的几何形状来自于跨越大西洋前面的两个强大的沙丘山脊。这种几何形状避免了强烈的大地运动,因为大地运动改变了现有的景观,并给残疾人造成了过多的斜坡。这条道路从一个平台直接放置在地面上开始,为了限制成本,当需要达到更高的高度,以克服连续的高程差异时,逐渐在支柱上升高。从这一点,制平台为La Flecha展现了令人印象深刻的景色。人行道和栏杆的设计是基于通常的工业系统,尽管对支架进行了修改,栏杆也被紧固,从而形成一个更抽象的元素,在没有表明其规模的情况下穿过景观。这道坚固的栏杆保护着当地的金凤花、蓟、百合和海毛虫的植物群,以及鹞、鹳和白鹭的巢穴。
The third intervention in the area of the Real de la Almadraba enables an accessible path between the two banks of La Flecha. The high landscape value of this protected natural area suggests carrying out a reversible installation by means of a wooden pedestrian path that gradually enters the thicket of broom shrubs. The geometry of this walkway results from crossing the two powerful dune ridges that precede the Atlantic Ocean. This geometry avoids strong earth movements that alter the existing landscape and causes excessive slopes for disabled people. The path begins with a platform directly resting on the ground to limit the cost and is gradually raised on stilts when it is necessary to reach greater height to overcome the continuous differences in elevation. From this point the wooden platform offers an impressive view of La Flecha landscape. The design of the walkway and the railings is based on the usual industrial systems although the brackets have been modified so that the protective elements of the railing are also fastening, resulting in a more abstract element that crosses the landscape without denoting its scale. This powerful railing protects the flora of jonquil, thistle, lily and sea caterpillar and the nesting of harriers, storks and egrets.
The project for this protected landscape and architectural complex has sought to recover the industrial significance of the Almadraba fishing process. We tried to reveal the patrimonial and ethnological heritage of a former fishing technique that coexisted with the landscape of the Huelva coast.
Location: Flecha del Rompido, Huelva
Architects: Sol89. María González García y Juanjo López de la Cruz
Collaborators in Sol89: Rosa Gallardo, Elena González, Álvaro Valverde y Jaime Fernández, architects in Sol89
Enrique Vázquez, Consultant of structure
Quantity surveyor: Cristóbal Galocha
Client: Dirección General de Ordenación del Territorio, Urbanismo y Agenda Urbana.
Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda. Junta de Andalucía
Size: 27.365 m2
Constructor: Maralva. Construcciones y Obra civil. SL
Completion year: 2022
Photographer: Fernando Alda