/Pentawards评委刘文 | 带来2022-2023包装设计趋势报告

Pentawards评委刘文 | 带来2022-2023包装设计趋势报告



世界顶尖包装设计平台及设计大赛 Pentawards 每年都会发布包装设计未来趋势报告,甲古文创意创始人&首席创意官刘文先生作为 Pentawards 国际评委,时刻关注着全球包装行业的发展趋势和创新方向,这些趋势将会成为指导包装设计领域现在和未来发展方向的重要指南。








罐装设计的崛起之势在饮料行业已经酝酿了好几年,今年的饮料白金奖得主就是这一趋势的完美范例。Williams 鸡尾酒是鹿特丹一家酒吧在停业期间为了将来继续营业而研发的,在完善了酒的配方后,他们想让外包装也更有吸引力。最终得到的结果是 6 种不同口味的鸡尾酒各有 6 种不同的标签和 Logo,而这些内容最终都集中呈现在一个 100%可回收的薄轧钢罐里。



As predicted in last year’s report, we’ve seen a continuation of new takes on traditional packaging. In this case: canned packaging. Perhaps its down to the drive towards using more sustainable materials, logistical reasons of being easier to pack, or simply to stand out from the crowd with something fresh.

This trend has been brewing for a couple of years in the drinks industry, and indeed this year’s Beverages – Platinum winner was the perfect example of the trend: Williams cocktails, developed to help a Rotterdam bar keep business going during lockdown. After perfecting the ingredients inside, they wanted to finesse the outside by standing out with something different. The result is six different types of cocktails, with 6 different labels and branding, held in a can made of thin rolled steel which is 100% recyclable.



而在饮料市场以外的领域,易拉罐的身影也悄然出现。在这个被玻璃瓶和塑料袋装占领的市场中,Potts'希望自己的烹饪酱料能以一个独特的外观在货架上脱颖而出。考虑到环境问题,公司最终选择了可回收的铝罐——尽管这是软饮料最常用的包装。由于无法看到产品是什么样子,铝罐包装上的图形和设计必须更用心,以清楚表达每个包装中的不同味道。包括彩色隐形眼镜 CoFANCY 的包装和 Aokka 咖啡的系列包装。

We’re also seeing the rise of the can in sectors beyond the drinks market. In a market saturated with jars and pouches, Potts’ wanted to give its cooking sauces a unique look for standout on the shelf. With considerations also on the environment, they opted for recyclable aluminium cans, more commonly associated with soft drinks. With no window to see the product, the graphics and design had to work twice as hard to express the flavour within each pack. Other examples where we spotted this trend was for coloured contact lens packaging CoFANCY, and as part of the collection for Aokka coffee.




希望看到罐装包装成为食品和饮料行业中越来越受欢迎的选择,因为它在提供新奇和差异化的同时,也提供了可持续发展的包装设计思路。正如 Potts'的例子所示,预计这一趋势将超越人们熟悉的饮料和罐头领域。还希望看到高端产品和品牌使用带有复杂图形设计的罐头包装,将罐头重新定位为一种高端包装选择。


We expect to see canned packaging become an increasingly popular choice for categories across the food and drinks sector because it provides a strong sustainability story whilst offering novelty and differentiation. As the Potts’ example shows, we expect the trend to reach beyond the familiar area of canned alchoholic beverages. We also expect to see premium products and brands use cans adorned with sophisticated graphic designs, re-positioning the can as a premium packaging option.



可持续发展的理念不再是一种趋势,而是任何包装设计过程中的一个基本组成部分。为了节省空间和避免浪费,越来越多的产品包装成为产品本身的关键部分。在这方面做得很好的例子是今年的钻石奖——最佳展示奖得主Urban Forest的颈枕。其贝壳形的外包装由硅胶材料制成,既可以作为储物袋,也可以用作充气泵。这种包装设计鼓励消费者不要丢弃它,并巧妙地改变了充气枕头的使用方式。




As we all know, sustainability is no longer a trend, it’s a fundamental part of any packaging design process. In light of saving on waste and space, we are seeing more and more products where packaging forms a key part of the product itself. A great example of this is this year’s Diamond – Best of Show winner, the Neck Pillow by Urban Forest. A functional and re-usable element, the pouch that contains the travel pillow is also the pump to infate it, eliminating any packaging waste.



还有就是 F SolidPod 的设计。它是一个实用便携的小盒子,由可回收材料制成,用于容纳各种可替换的香皂或固体清洁膏。F SolidPod 的设计让香皂可以最大程度的得到利用,在使用时也不易滑落,还不易滋生细菌,是作为化妆品和个人护理行业一次性包装的替代解决方案而开发。

Continuing the environmental impact theme is the design of the F Solid Pod. Made from recycled materials, it helps maximise 100% of the gel or shampoo bars that it holds, is easy to transport, and has been developed for all types of users.



同样体现这一设计趋势的还有香奈儿为庆祝 N°5 香水问世 100 周年而设计的降临节日历。采用了香水瓶标志性外形并制作成了超级尺寸,包装使用环保模制纸浆,里面的每个小盒子上印有一个日期。包装的各部分一起构成一本日历,这让整个产品既有环保意义又极具收藏价值。

Meanwhile, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Chanel N°5 fragrance, Chanel created its frst ever advent calendar in a supersized version of its iconic shape, using moulded pulp packaging that becomes a collectable item in itself.







This trend is an inevitable result of the push towards more sustainable packaging solutions and a circular economy. However, in terms of how the trend will develop, we expect to see an increasing fusion of aesthetics vs. function to create packaging that is both aesthetically pleasing to encourage consumers to keep and reuse it, and also environmentally conscious in terms of transportation costs and waste.




个人护理和美容行业每年在全球范围内生产超过 1200 亿个包装,品牌和机构一直在寻找方法来减少它们的影响。有越来越多的品牌与消费者沟通,告诉他们可以做哪些事情来帮助完成更加环保的循环,教育消费者如何处理包装上的各种元素也有助于让他们也承担起一些责任。这可以看作是去年我们看到的一个趋势的进步,即品牌通过他们的包装讲述他们的可持续发展故事。

高露洁的 "Recycle Me"牙膏管,是同类产品中的第一个,希望通过明显的回收标识来提高消费者的意识并促进他们的行为改变。Carte Dors Affogati 冰激凌系列则已经改用 100%可堆肥和可回收的纸张,并说明了哪些元素需要回收或堆肥。





With the personal care and beauty industry producing more than 120 billion units of packaging every year globally, it’s no secret that brands and agencies have been looking for ways to reduce their impact. While this in itself is not new, what we have been seeing is more brands communicating to consumers about what they can do themselves to help complete the more environmentally-friendly circle.

Educating consumers on how they can dispose of the various elements of the packaging helps put some of the responsibility on the consumer too. This can be seen as a progression from a trend we saw last year of brands telling their sustainability story through their packs.

Colgate’s ‘Recycle Me’ toothpaste tube, which is the frst of its kind, wants to raise awareness and promote behaviour change in consumers with its obvious recycling push. Carte D’Or’s Affogati line of ice cream has switched to 100% compostable and recyclable paper, with instructions on what elements to recycle or compost.





Dove 的可重复使用的沐浴露瓶和浓缩液补充剂设计也体现了同一理念, 为有生态意识的消费者提供了一个减少浪费的简单解决方案。关于如何使用补充剂和这样做的积极影响,在包装的各个部分都有清晰的说明。

Dove’s reusable body wash bottles and concentrate reflls are similar in their messaging, providing eco-conscious consumers with a simple solution to cut down on waste. Clear instructions are dotted across the pack about how to use the reflls and the positive impact of this approach.







There is a real opportunity here for brands to increasingly involve consumers in the sustainability and recyclability story of their product and packaging, which in turn could well foster greater loyalty between consumers and brands as they feel a shared responsibility for the planet. We expect brands to jump on this opportunity to build closer connections and rapport with consumers about the critical topic of climate change.




护肤品系列 BYOMA 使用现代简约的字体、图标和大胆的色彩来展现品牌的先锋科学属性和创新性。该品牌的方形瓶子便于有效地运输,以减少其碳足迹。




The need for the‘wow’factor stands strong in a world still recovering from the pandemic. Even though shops are open again, many people are still buying online so brands must stand out both in physical and digital stores – as well as on social media. To do this, we are seeing brands focus on key bold colours, fonts and graphics to stand out from the crowd.

Skincare range BYOMA uses modern typography and iconography alongside bold colours to display the brand’s pioneering science, ingredients, and innovation. Made from fully recyclable, 100% monomaterial plastic, the brand’s square bottle shapes enable easy and effective shipment to reduce its carbon footprint.  




在与安迪·沃霍尔基金会的联名合作中,SK-ll 的包装从沃霍尔标志性的电视测试图案中获得灵感,设计了具有 VHS 磁带和电视屏幕特色的礼品套装盒,呈现了独具一格的视觉效果。

In partnership with the Andy Warhol foundation, SK-II’s packaging also stands out by taking inspiration from Warhol’s iconic television test pattern. A limited edition of gift packs were created with MTV-era inspired VHS tape boxes and analogue TVs.





虽然使用大胆的色彩本身并不是一个完全原创的趋势,但在日益激烈的社交媒体竞争中,以及在与强大专业的 DTC(直接向消费者)品牌的激烈竞争中,想脱颖而出必须采用强烈和极端的色彩模式和排版。且是简单而大胆的,而不是复杂的,因为前者才是在数字环境中最突出的东西。然而我们预计这种趋势终将达到饱和点,这时我们可能会看到更勇敢的品牌选择单色或更柔和的配色方案。


While the use of bold colour is not a wholly original trend in itself, the necessity of having to stand out amongst increasing competition on social media and against strong, purpose-built DTC brands defnitely is. The trend of strong and extreme use of colour, pattern, and typography which is simple and bold, rather than intricate, is therefore here to stay because this is what stands out best in a digital environment. However, we expect this will eventually reach a saturation point, which is when we might see braver brands opting for monochrome or more muted palettes. Watch this (digital) space.




MATCH 的汤力水标签看起来和感觉都很独特,因为它们有一个微穿孔的外观和橡胶的柔软触感,让人联想到新的自行车或网球拍手柄的奢华感觉,而 Pursues Hard Seltzer 硬苏打水创造了一个定制的瓶子,提供了一个更怀旧的外观和更独特的使用体验。




As brands think more sustainably, we are seeing more and more glass packaging on shelves and online. Though to add a more premium fair to these products, we are also seeing many bottled soft drinks turn to bespoke, intricate glass bottles with hyper premium detailing and fnishings.  

MATCH’s tonic water labels look and feel unique, as they have a microperforated look and a rubbery soft touch, reminiscent of the luxurious feeling of a new bicycle or tennis racket handle, whilst Pursue’s Hard Seltzer created a custom bottle to offer a more nostalgic look and stronger premium cues.





还看到 Maybe Sammys 酒吧的瓶装高级鸡尾酒的包装设计,通过瓶身纹理、简单而精致的标签体现对细节的考究,使得包装与酒吧一样精致优雅。酒吧的绿色和金色已经成为该品牌的代名词,这种色调被延伸到包装细节中。

We also saw Maybe Sammy’s bottled premium cocktails with packaging designed to refect elements of its popular Australian bar venue as well as the refnement and sophistication of the team’s perfectly crafted cocktails.

The green and gold colours have become synonymous with the brand, and this palette was extended across the packaging details, from the gold foil fnishes to the custom outer box design.








We are expecting brands to increase the sustainability of their glass packaging by using recycled glass, leaning into a circular economy. A premium feel will maintain importance as brands have to work as hard as ever to build customer loyalty, and as conscious consumers become more selective with their purchases.





在与残疾人的合作中,Microsofts Surface Adaptive Kit 的包装被设计为无障碍模式。包装上带有标签,可以帮助那些有视力障碍或残疾的人使用他们的 Surtace 笔记本电脑;还有便于拆卸的集成环以及盲文 QR 码,都帮助了此类用户的解决自己的遇到的问题。




Packaging that caters to a wider variety of consumers is truly cementing itself. This trend is now proudly standing out and gaining more attention, becoming a must-have for many brands.

Created in partnership with people with disabilities, the packaging for Microsoft’s Surface Adaptive Kit was designed to be accessible, reusable, and sustainable. Containing labels to help those with visual impairments or disabilities use their Surface laptops, the packaging also caters to this audience, with features including integrated loops for easy removal, as well as a braille QR code.









多力多滋的发起的“Solid Black”活动设计旨在为黑人创作者发声,让他们的故事被更多人知道,为此多力多滋推出了限量款包装,还向对应的非营利组织捐赠 500 万美元,作为该活动的一部分。这些都是包容性设计的体现,并将包装设计与现实世界的变化联系起来。

And taking a more creative approach, Doritos’ Solid Black limited-edition packs were designed as part of a multi-platform initiative to bolster the voices of black innovators and creators. Not only does the packaging help introduce the world to a new class of “Black Changemakers”, Doritos will also donate $5 million to non-profts chosen by them as part of the campaign – linking packaging design to real-world change.






随着品牌对其受众的多样性和需求的理解在不断深入,体现无障碍和包容性理念的包装设计趋势必将进一步发展。在今年的 Pentawards Festival 上,Diageo 的全球设计总监 Jeremy Lindley 强调了设计中无意识偏见的危险性,以及设计中仍然缺乏真正的同理心的事实。Lindley 还谈到游戏性是创造真正的包容性设计的最重要的工具之一,我们期望未来几年在包装上看到更多为不同的受众设计的游戏性解决方案。


This trend is bound to develop further as brands’ understanding of the diversity of their audiences, and their needs, evolves. At the Pentawards Festival this year, Jeremy Lindley, Global Design Director at Diageo, emphasised the danger of unconscious bias in design and the fact that real empathy in design is still often lacking. Lindley also spoke about playfulness as one of the most important tools for creating truly inclusive design, and we expect to see many more playful solutions to packaging design for diverse audiences in the next few years.




在限量版的 AVYUN 葡萄酒中,设计的核心元素是一片压印的葡萄叶,红色的颜料在其凹陷的脉络中不同程度地流动着,以反映葡萄酒的成熟度。




As we continue to move away from a desensitising and physically disconnected period of lockdowns, we are seeing brands aim to re-engage consumers through intricately detailed, tactile packaging. The added aspect of touch gives these designs another dimension beyond the visual, opening the packaging experience up to a wider audience.

For the limited edition Avyun wine, the central element of the design is an embossed grape leaf, with red pigment ‘fowing’ through its indented veins to varying extents to refect the maturity level of the wine.




同时,Almatura 使用手工制作的回收标签,摸起来质感十足的纤维使人感受到产品的自然品质。压印的字体进一步增加了质感,且标签可以直接种植在土壤中使其种子发芽,繁殖植物生命。

Meanwhile, Almatura uses handcrafted recycled labels whose tactile fbres evoke the ‘natural’ quality of the product inside, with embossed lettering adding further texture.









We look forward to seeing further unique and creative approaches to the physical experience of packaging as the value of tangibility within an increasingly digital world continues to draw in consumers. The idea of making packaging more sensorially diverse is bound to work in tandem with the ongoing rise of accessible and inclusive packaging design.





时尚鸡尾酒品牌 The Fetichist 的包装设计使用了大胆的数字霓虹灯效果,灵感来自于视频游戏和夜晚世界,而酒瓶包装上醒目的二维码则让消费者可以在扫描发现更多鸡尾酒并在线购买。




Brands are continually fnding new ways to communicate and engage with consumers, which has meant a sharp rise in smart and connected packaging in recent years. This has allowed consumers to engage with more information on the product, its ingredients, and the brand. As a relatively new trend, we have seen this continue to evolve in new and exciting ways.

For The Fetichist’s packaging design, a radical graphic universe was created to refect the intricasies of the ready-to-drink cocktails developed by mixologist Ugo Jobin. The bold, digital neon design carries over to its video game-like website, where consumers can discover more and purchase cocktails online.






FaceGym 是一个以运动为灵感的美容品牌,拥有独特的类似私人教练的应用技术,但只能通过二维码访问。他们在包装上创造了一个触感良好的标签,吸引了消费者的注意二维码,并通过观看教学视频获得更好的护肤体验。

FaceGym is an environmentally-friendly, sports-inspired beauty brand complete with unique personal trainer-like application techniques only accessible via QR code. They created a tactile pull-off tab to open the product in a unique and memorable way, capturing the consumer’s attention and piquing interest. Cleverly hidden codes were then revealed, which the user could scan to improve their results.






With technology and social media becoming increasingly sophisticated, we look forward to seeing new and innovative ways of brands connecting with consumers beyond what’s displayed on the box. We also expect a lot of this content to engage consumers with topical issues as well as the sustainable story behind each product, as these become increasingly important to global audiences.




作为减少塑料使用的一部分,SONY 开发了一种新的包装材料,由竹子、甘蔗纤维和再生纸制成,将 WF-1000XM4 耳机的包装尺寸减少了 34%。




As environmental concerns stand strong, it’s not just the recyclability and sustainability of the materials that is under consideration, but also how packaging can be reduced and minimised to save on waste and transportation.

As part of their reduction in the use of plastic, SONY developed a new packaging material made of bamboo, sugarcane fbre and recycled paper, reducing the packaging size for their WF-1000XM4 earphones by 34%.




同时,VETA 酒瓶的包装被设计成最大程度上贴合酒瓶本身的几何形状,且使用的是可持续的模塑纸浆。这种设计既以一种有吸引力的方式保护产品,同时又最大限度地减少包装。

Meanwhile, the geometry of the bottle shape for VETA’s spirits was designed to refect the shape of a fask but the key feature is its sustainable moulded pulp pack which protects the product in an attractive way while minimising packaging.






As a relatively simple approach to sustainability which is also cost-effective for brands, and as excessive packaging and waste becomes less desirable for the ever more conscious consumer, we expect this trend to last for the long term. Look out for the smart-packaging concept combining with this trend, as brands use QR codes to link to information digitally as opposed to using space and excess material – for product details on the packaging itself.




疫情居家期间许多人重新拾起写作或绘画这样的爱好,以宣泄内心的情绪。于是 Vouni Panayia Winery 发布限量版的 "Untitled(无题) "系列葡萄酒时,在包装上为这样情绪留下一个呈现的窗口,同时也是许多人可能已经感受到了的—— 自新冠疫情开始以来 "We are not drunk enough to survive the 21st century(我们没有醉到足以在21世纪生存)"。




We’ve also seen a rise in packs that are displaying hand-drawn illustrations or handwritten notes, evoking a sense of personalisation and human connection directly with the brand.

During lockdowns, many people found themselves at home and took to hobbies like writing or drawing, perhaps refected in these pieces. For example, the message on the limited edition “Untitled”s wine sends a playful and category-disrupting message that many may have felt since the pandemic started, “We are not drunk enough to survive the 21st century.”



一个针对年轻人的新啤酒品牌 Lovibonds 在其包装标签上用发光的墨水描绘了两种不同的场景:白天是宁静的插图,晚上是嘻哈的氛围。

同时,菓语复合果汁的包装上是一幅有趣的 "水果怪兽 "的 插画,其中有充满活力和想象力的符号图案的涂鸦,这种创造性的方法有助于它在竞争对手中脱颖而出。

A new beer brand targeted at young adults, Lovibond’s packaging features illustrations on the label in luminous ink depicting two different scenes: a peaceful quiet illustration for the daytime, and a more hip-hop vibe for the evening (pictured).

Meanwhile, the packaging for Compound’s fruit juice features a fun drawing of a‘fruit monster’amongst energetic doodles of symbols and patterns, a creative approach that helps it to stand out against competitors.







As the digital world gains ground, we think hand-drawn motifs will continue to play a part in packaging as a balance to increasingly analogue designs. The characterful and free form of doodling, in particular, brings to mind a childlike creativity that will continue to appeal to all generations, bringing an especially human feel to the visual design of packaging.

甲古文创意有限公司创始人&首席创意官刘文先生作为 Pentawards 国际评委,未来也将与各位优秀的创意人们一起,以创意推动包装设计行业的创新与发展,为品牌与包装设计激发出更多的潜力。

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